Weed Wanderings Herbal eZine with Susun Weed
June 2004
Volume 4 Number 6
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What's Inside Weed Wanderings this Month...


Menopausal Years ...
The Vision Quest
by Waynonaha Two Worlds
Dreams and Wishes
by Waynonaha Two Worlds

Vision Quest

The Sun is climbing high and my back starts to warm up through my old Levi jacket. I sit in this place of sacred vision with my prayer ties all around me. Each small bundle of red cloth filled with tobacco and a prayer for the guidance I seek. My mind empty and my heart free of pain and loss; I open the door to the spirit word and ask for entrance.

Creator grant me wisdom I pray help me to find my path and my purpose at this time of my life. I sit quietly and listen to the bird calls, winds blow through the trees, and the grasshoppers sing in the tall grasses. White clouds drift off into a deep aqua sky on their way to places where other eyes will behold the wonder of them.

My life a square of prayer ties all else separated and yet connected to all things. A small dandelion grows at the edge of the space; the fading life in transformation reminds me of my own age and years passed. I seek a future when half of my life has passed already do I dare ask for more?

My third day passes and the next day arrives finding the once bright dandelion flower changed to a white ball of fluffy seeds. I watch this process and remember the baby owl and how it resembles this fluffy seed head. I lay down on the sun warmed grass, and place my face close to the downy seeds. With a gentle puff of air I gift my breath to the tiny seeds, just as Creator has given the breath of life to all things.

The seeds take wing and fly into the air drifting on the wind that carries our voices to Creator. With light and airy beauty from earth bound to sky, they fly free of all things as a spirit is free of earth when released.

I watch as the tiny seeds created in such delicate beauty drift away. Where will they come to earth again and find shelter? Who will once again watch them on some distant land grow and come to life? All this is the infinite wisdom of Creator and all we need t know it that life continues on and one into the infinity. We have only to live our lives and trust in the Great Mystery for guidance.

Is my life like too drift for a while not needing the security of the earth to grow but once again find roots and shelter in a strange place? I will for the time drift and wait for the wisdom of Creator who forms all things and is the Great Mystery of all that exists.

I leave my life once again in the trusting hands of the ones who guide me with love and understanding.

Help me to accept my life and continue to do the work for the good of all. My body a hollow bone without weight floats in the air free of all earthly needs. I thank you Creator for your gift of life you have given me, may I always live it in a good way and walk in harmony with the Earth Mother.

Mitakuye Oyasin. Waynonaha

Dreams and Wishes

Oh what a waste are the years we women have spent not being allowed to ask for even a simple wish or dream. The song the (Every Day Housewife) come slipping in as I write this. “The every day house wife who gave up the good life for me.” Why should we have to give up our dreams and wishes, we are entitled to these and our birth rights of passage on this Earth Mother.

I some times feel Mother Earth cry from loneliness, she morns for all the woman who never shared their dreams and wishes. I feel her reaching out to hold me in her arms and says to me, “dare to dream my daughter of the red earth, dare to dream.”

I will speak of my dreams because they are not just for me they are for all women who dare to dream and have a wish for life that they would care to share.

I see this dream of the center so clear now, The Tree of Life is in the process of incorporation and will soon be a not for profit organization. This is my life dream of having a place for women to come for healing and to learn the healing ways.

I believe out there some place, there is some one who can actually help make this happen.

I will take you for a walk through the center. It consists of an old farm house set in the Amish country side near here with a few acres of Land nothing fancy. The place is now clear it is Cherry Creek not only for the fact that I love cherries but it was also a place that UFO’s were seen several times. I think if the UFO’s were there then this is affirmation for me that the land is good.

I have taken you to a place of peace and gently rolling hills where people live close to the earth and respect all nature.

The farm house is just that an old farm house with a huge kitchen for baking wonderful bread and making jams and jellies of all sorts from the surrounding country side.

This will be the trade mark of the center the bread and produce from the farm will support and maintain the functional needs.

We have some large open rooms with sun shining in for guests to rest and find peace in their minds and hearts. Each room dedicated to a famous woman who has walked this path before us and made a difference. Helen Keller, and others of her era plus some wonderful women such as Florence Nightingale, we may even have to add the Susun Weed room soon and fill it with her books and work. These rooms will hold the works and life dreams of the women who dared to make a difference in life.

There is one large room with book lined walls and soft deep chairs to curl up in. The sun room hosts tea every afternoon at four complete with scones, and cream. There is pleasant conversation of the intelligent kind, talks of herbals dreams and ideas, mostly just life in general. Discussion of books and ideas flow and catch flight around the old room and fill it with love and light. There are readings and music played after we have supper at the long table in the dinning room. Each woman is invited to read or recite that which she finds soul inspiring in her life. On some evenings we may even drum and dance or sing our favorite songs.

Only long flowing cloths are worn here we encourage freedom in all ways so jeans and informal attire are welcome. We adorn our bodies with flowers and trinkets from the old trunks bulging with yesterday’s treasures. Plays are written and performed for the other guests on any given occasion.

The large barn hosts many treasures of the animal kind. Goats, chickens, rabbits, and other wild life find a resting place in the deep dark space.

A pond with a bench to sit on and contemplate the beauty of all things, sits in a small gully behind the house. Bass and other fish, surface to take our offering of food. Geese paddle around the pond trailed by the latest hatch. Old turtles sun on the banks and many small no legged ones peek out of the grasses.

The garden abounds with wonderful fruit and vegetables, that are bordered with herbs and sweet sage. Roses of all kinds full the English country garden with sweet smelling heavenly scents. The array of herbals and edible flowers find there way into the old farm kitchen and hanging room to grace the meals. If you wish you can dig your feet into the warm rich earth and tend these plants and flowers.

Small hand made seats from twisted vines are refuges for the weary at heart to sit and read or just relax from the every day cares they have left behind.

The classes will be offered on all things including putting your hands into bread dough and creating the staff of life for the table. Flower arranging and art will be offered crafts of all kinds will be done. We will even make our own fancy dresses or create a quilt there is not end to the things we can do. Bring the visions and weave then into being.

In the fall we will harvest our bounty and fill the pantry behind the old wood stove with bright and colorful jars of food and jams. For those who never had a Grandmother then this is the place to come and learn.

Corn Credit is honored here your loving hands and work for your stay and classes are welcome. Each woman can earn her corn credits in many ways as a contributor or as hands on worker. All contributors will have a place in the register as a life time member.

The abundance of life and love is worked and woven into every fiber of the center. All pain and anger will be left outside the gate in a burden basket. Women on moon time will be honored for there moon and will rest during their giving time.

Who ever is of like mind can simply add to this dream and become a creator of life.

Blessings of the free spirit. Waynonaha

For all of you husbands and sons of great women remember to honor the women in your life and encourage them to fulfill their lives no matter what the age may be. As they are fulfilled then you will be fulfilled, and your children will be blessed with love and abundance forever.

Copyright © Waynonaha Two Worlds 2004 All Rights Reserved.



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Weed Wanderings herbal ezine is sponsored by www.susunweed.com and www.wisewomanbookshop.com

New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way

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