Digestion, a Celebration of Life
Excerpt from: Cooking for the Love of the World
Awakening Our Spirituality through Cooking
by Anne-Marie Fryer Wiboltt
200 pages, softbound - $22.95
A heart-centered, warmth-filled guide to the nurturing art of cooking.
The processes of digestion are a mystery so wonderful and quite inconceivable.
What is most amazing to recognize is that our human substances are very unique and completely different from what is found anywhere in nature.
The minerals and protein in our bones and blood are entirely different from the minerals and proteins we find in other parts of nature. Calcium inside the human body is unlike any calcium outside of it.
Foods and substances that enter the human body must be completely digested and broken down beyond anything physical. First then will each individual soul/spirit, in co-creation with other majestic spiritual forces, fashion its own distinctive blood, muscles and bones.
Everything that crosses the human threshold must undergo a total transformation! The substances in the food we eat are not directly building blocks, as often imagined, but entirely changed and permeated with our own life. I nstead we can imagine the substances we eat stimulate certain processes and attract various spiritual forces that condense into the individual physical human being.
The processes of human digestion are a complete dissolving of the food and its forces, which stimulate a unique re-condensing into living human bodily matter and activities. Digestion is a miracle and a celebration of life.
Remember how material substances are densified, spirit-light, how they were born out of spiritual warmth, manifesting as gaseous substances,
and condensed further into liquids and solids?
Picture the opposite processes taking place during the digestion of the meal. Imagine some of the life forces and substances of the food you just chewed, and thereby made liquid, completely dissolve ‘back” into spirit warmth and light. Along with other cosmic substances, imagine your individuality assisting in re-condensing these cosmic substances into human activities, blood and tissue.
Cool Refreshing Lemon Dill Cucumber Soup
The cucumber soup is smooth, cooling and rich in flavor. I find it most satisfying puréed. It can be strained for a bisque-like soup. This cucumber soup is wonderful on a hot summer day. I like to serve it at a temperature slightly warmer than refrigeration. Lemon and dill add a complementary garnish.
2 - 3 medium cucumbers, peeled and diced small
1 small red onion, diced finely
1 stalk celery, diced finely
2 tablespoons fresh dill finely cut
1 cup water
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind
Juice of 1/2-1 lemon
1 - 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
1 cup home made kefir or yogurt (optional)
Sprigs of fresh dill
Thin decorative slices of lemon and cucumber for garnish
Place the cucumber, onion, celery, dill and water in a food blender, or food processor. Puree until smooth. Season the soup with lemon rind, lemon juice and sea salt.
Blend the yogurt or kefir well into the soup.
Served immediately, or let the flavors blend in the refrigerator for several hours first. Mix well before serving. Garnish each bowl with fresh sprigs of dill and slices of lemon and cucumber.
Excerpt from Cooking for the Love of the World
Awakening Our Spirituality through Cooking
by Anne-Marie Fryer Wiboltt

Cooking for the Love of the World:
Awakening our Spirituality through Cooking

by Anne-Marie Fryer Wiboltt
A heart-centered, warmth-filled guide to the nurturing art of cooking.
200 pages, softbound
Price: $22.95
"Cooking delicious nourishing meals - with heart and soul - is easy, fast, and fun with this great guide. Everything you need to know is right here - along with exercises and experiences that will help you love cooking, love yourself,
and love the earth."
-Susun S. Weed, Author, Healing Wise
Order Cooking For the Love of the World in our Bookshop
The Green Witch Herbal:
Restoring Nature's Magic in Home, Health, and Beauty Care
by Barbara Griggs
Griggs' best-selling and widely-praised Green Pharmacy is considered the standard work on the history of herbal medicine. Paperback: 168 pages
Includes recipes for a variety of remedies and personal care products, and devotes a chapter to the creative use of herbs in the kitchen for cooking and as natural cleansers and disinfectants.
Price: $14.95
Order The Green Witch Herbal in our Bookshop
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